Test cards vs. Dev cards

CB test cards

CB dev cards

What type of use ?

CB test cards are associated with an authorization server and they allow to perform tests in a "real" environment, i.e in the same conditions than a customer in a shop.

What type of use ?

CB development cards allow to perform tests in a dedicated developpment enviornment, associated to a simulator, i.e in laboratory conditions.

What is mandatory for test cards to work properly ?

The acceptance system (POS etc.) must be charged with a CB application and connected to real merchant contract or to an Elitt test merchant contract.

What is mandatory for development cards to work properly ?

The acceptance system (POS etc.) must be charged with a CB application and connected to a simulator, in a development environment.

Do test cards work in real life, on the field ?

Yes. They work on any acceptance system (POS etc.) that is connected to a real merchant contract or an Elitt test merchant contract. Any use of a CB test card in a shopkeeper without warning him first is considered as a fraud.

Do development cards work in real life, on the field ?

No. They will not be recognized by acceptance systems (POS etc.) that are connected to a real merchant contract or to an Elitt test merchant contract.

What is the maximum amount available on each test card ?

The online maximum amount is 50,00€ during 7 open days.


What is the maximum amount available on each development card ?

The online maximum amount on development is dependent from your own parameters that you have configured on your server/simulator.

What is the minimum amount that is needed to perform a transaction with a CB test card ?

The minimum amount needed for a transaction is 0,01€.



What is the minimum amount that is needed to perform a transaction with a CB development card ?

The minimum amount to tap on the POS machine is dependent from your own parameters that you have configured on your server/simulator to which the POS machine will be linked to.

If I do 3 wrong PIN codes with the same CB test cards, what will happen ?

The CB test will send an error code, then all following transactions will be refused. The card is definitively blocked and becomes unusable.

Be careful to the "wrong PIN code" or "last try" that will appear on the POS screen when you enter a wrong PIN code.

If I do  wrong PIN codes with the same CB development card, what will happen ?

The CB development card will send an error code, then the transaction will be refused. The PIN code can be reset thanks to the development key values available on the document supplied by email.

Example of a transaction with a CB test card